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Is your website SEO Compatible?
We continue to write the standard that other web companies follow. An SEO Compatible website is one that is built correctly and is optimized on a basic level for better search engine rankings. Contact us today to see how our search engine optimization services can make your web site a success!

“Over 85% of all web sites are initially found via search engines – companies who use search engine optimization are attracting more potential customers to their web sites.”

- Forrester Research Institute

professional web marketing, pro organic seo



SERVICES_search engine optimization & ppc marketing

jtdesigns full menu of highly customized Search Engine Optimization and Pay Per Click Marketing Services drives throngs of new visitors to your website and dramatically increases your sales.

Our team invests the time, effort and expertise to understand your unique business and Internet marketing goals. Our recommendations are based on the optimum combination of an array of search engine marketing services that are designed to meet and exceed your goals. We can offer you outstanding, industry-leading results and service that is consistent, personalized and focused.

When you partner with jtdesigns, you have access to our complete arsenal of first-class services:

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  • SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION - Identify the strategically defined keywords and phrases that will drive the most qualified traffic to your website. Resolve existing technologies on your website that may hinder search engine visibility. Strategically optimize your website content and meta data to correlate with search engine algorithms.

  • PAY-PER-CLICK Google AdWords - Discover which keywords to target via the most effective pay per click programs and at what price. Know when to rely on natural search engine optimization, when to buy rather than optimize, and when to do both.

  • Web Analytics - Optimize, measure and analyze your results, and then re-optimize based on real data to achieve the maximum ROI from your online marketing efforts.

Contact jtdesigns to find out how we deliver industry-leading results with our complete line of Search Engine Marketing Services.


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